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(8:00 - 23:00)
It is with great pleasure and honor to announce our latest initiative for the greater community : Kol Shimon Michael.
After many years of studying studiously, the Avreichim of our Kollel have received their certification from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and are now ready and able to answer the questions of the community. We are opening a special call center where the community will be able to ask all their halachic questions with representatives that speak Hebrew, English, French, and Spanish.
You can ask questions on any topics: Hilhot Shabbath, Taharat Hamishpaha, Issour Veheter, Tefila and berahots, jewish hollidays, shmita...
We invite you to take advantage of this new Beit Horaah and forward the information to your contacts. We have dedicated years to preparing these Avreichim to be available for the better good of the community.