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OPENING DAY!! Rosh Chodesh Elul (August 12, 2018)

Thanks to the generosity of our many donors and supporters worldwide we are happy to announce the Opening Day of our new campus.

We invite all those in Israel to Join us for this momentous occasion.


With much gratitude to Hashem

Or Chadash Institutions cordially invites you to the opening day of our new building that was built with your generosity

Rosh Chodesh Elul

August 12, 2018

Ha-Rav Yitskhak Khai Tayib St 42

8:30 am - Opening of the Pre-school, Elementary and Middle Schools and festive breakfast

5:00 pm - Speeches in honor of the opening of our new Yeshivah Ketana (High School)


Given by The Rosh Yeshivah

Rav Shlomo Zafrani Shlita & Rabbi Shimon Israel.

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